We are MTBausserfern!

We are your interest group / platform / association for mountain biking in the Tyrolean district of Reutte (=Außerfern).

Our mission:

Committed people who share a passion: MTBiking.

We would like to bring together and "unite" the MTB riders, who mostly act as individuals, but still have many, in order to exchange ideas and act together.

MTB athletes, especially trail bikers, are usually not involved in any club, are therefore not organized and therefore have no interest representation/lobby. At the same time, there are more and more people practicing the sport, especially since the Corona pandemic.

And that's exactly why we're here - we want to fill that hole!

Why the name?

Our community name (club name since February 2023) with the abbreviation MTB stands for mountain bike and generally non-judgementally for every style and every facet of the sport.

Au -ss- erfern or Au -ß- erfern

This is also what our beautiful district of Reutte is called, viewed from the rest of Austria: "except" = "behind" the Fernpass.

Of course, the second name of our district is spelled with Ausserfern - pronounced "ß"! But in connection with our logo, word mark and internet domain, we always allow ourselves to write “MTBausserfern” with “ss” because it simply looks better and is technically not a problem on the internet. Of course, as a stand-alone word in texts, we always use it correctly!

We hope that we haven't offended any of our people from outside the region and think that's okay :-)

What do we do?

    Create connections

The goal is to collect and bundle common ideas and wishes regarding our sport and thus make sure that all mountain bikers are heard. Through our good network, we would like to be a contact point for all MTB athletes, as well as for all companies, lifts, hotels, institutions, etc. that are already developing or want to develop MTB-specific projects, providing information and information on the topic Offer mountain biking in the district and exchange ideas with them so that we can act more effectively together.

    be a mouthpiece

As the "mouthpiece" of the MTB community, we are in contact with public authorities, authorities and decision-makers and would like to participate and contribute to bike-specific projects, but also generate them ourselves and become a supporting, central contact point for them in the district.

We are increasingly committed to expanding the MTB infrastructure and are paying particular attention to ensuring that it meets the needs of the community. Because if these fit the locals, they also fit every visitor to our district...

Thema Single-Trails

In order to stimulate the expansion of single trails and prevent negative opinions from arising, we also promote awareness-raising among athletes. Because only through mutual understanding can common goals be achieved.

Regardless of whether you are a mountain biker, hiker, runner, dog owner, rider, forester or hunter - mutual respect is very important to us!

We are not alone in the mountains and in the forest and we all share the same joy in nature. And so that this shared joy lasts for a long time and there are no tensions, we are generally committed to a gentle, considerate driving style and expect the same from all other forest visitors and participants!

No matter whether pump track, BMX/dirt, hardtail, All!

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Zugspitz Bike Lermoos Fahrradhandel, Verleih, Werkstatt und Service